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Humanizing customer service: The role of digital assistants panel at IBM AI Summit


AI Summit organized by IBM brought together leading minds to explore the convergence of cloud platforms and data-driven AI, addressing the evolving needs of businesses in a post-pandemic era.

Our Board Member Una Softic joined the panel discussion centered around Humanizing Customer Service with Digital Assistants. Joining the discussion remotely, she discussed this topic with Jeroen Das, Product Owner of Conversational AI & Chat at ABN AMRO, and the panel was skillfully moderated by Nancy Rademaker. The session explored the evolving role of bots in enhancing digital customer care and service, a vital aspect in today’s tech-savvy world.

A Confluence of Insights and Best Practices

The panelists engaged in a dynamic exchange, drawing from their diverse experiences and expertise. Panelists delved into the intricacies of integrating AI-powered digital assistants in customer interactions. The discussion spanned lessons learned, practical insights, and emerging best practices, shedding light on the future of customer service in the digital age.
