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Intertangible lecture at McKinsey Berlin Experience Studio


Intertangible had the honor of contributing to McKinsey’s mission of enabling clients to become digital enterprises at scale during disruptive times. Invited to the McKinsey Berlin Experience Studio, a dynamic hub for innovation and ideation, our lecture focused on the transformative role of AI in enhancing customer experience and internal productivity. Held for clients from a leading electronics manufacturing company in Taiwan, the session delved into the strategic implementation of AI solutions to drive operational efficiency and elevate customer interactions.

Situated within Factory Berlin, a premier community of startups and innovators, the Berlin Experience Studio is at the forefront of fostering digital and analytics transformations. It serves as a central accelerator platform, offering a comprehensive journey from conception and piloting to scaling products and entire business models. By bringing together an inspiring environment, top-tier talent, and cutting-edge technologies, the studio aligns seamlessly with Intertangible’s commitment to driving innovation and empowering clients for success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.
